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Workplace Temperature Check for individuals

This assessment helps to identify the aspects of workplace mental wellbeing that are functioning well, and the ones that need looking into.

When to use this

  • We suggest completing this as part of Pre-Launch to baseline your organisation and help tailor the programme, and then on a six monthly cadence thereafter, to identify appropriate interventions based on your organisation's evolving needs.

How to use this

  • This survey should be sent to as many of your team members as practical to provide a sufficient cross-section of your organisation.

  • Please see the Surveying guide for important surveying best practices.

  • If the Hub is available, the survey can be sent directly via email from there. Sending surveys via Hub​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ provides more detail. 

  • Alternatively, please contact our Customer Success team and provide us with a list of all team members (first names and email addresses) who are to complete the survey. 

  • The surveys will be sent to the specified recipients at the scheduled time and date, followed by a reminder for the non-responders on the 5th day. The survey will close on the 7th day. If any of those days fall on a weekend, the email will be sent the following working day. Previews of the emails can be found in the Hub.

  • You can expect to receive a high level overview of the results in the Hub within two weeks of the survey closing. This will cover your organisation's notable strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Survey questions

The way I work

From 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree):

  • I have control over when and how my work gets done, as long as it's done well and on time.

  • Training and development opportunities are available to me.

  • My work role and responsibilities are clearly defined.

  • I feel valued.

  • My physical work environment is comfortable.

The way we work together

From 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree):

  • People’s differences are accepted and valued.

  • Communication is clear and effective at all levels.

  • It is safe to voice a contrary opinion without fear of negative consequences.

  • If someone makes a mistake, it is not held against them .

  • Conflict is handled well.

  • Change is managed well.

How we support

From 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree):

  • Mental health is openly discussed without stigma.

  • Appropriate action would be taken in response to incidents of bullying, harassment or discrimination.

  • Effective support is available to help employees deal with stress

  • Effective training and support are available for those supporting others with mental health issues.

  • Employee wellbeing is a priority.

How we live wellbeing

From 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree):

  • It is easy to arrange an hour or two off to take care of personal or family matters.

  • Unplanned employee absences are unusual.

  • Taking opportunities for fun is encouraged.

  • Successes are celebrated.

  • Leaders model wellbeing by doing things for their wellbeing during the workday.

  • Employees are given time for wellbeing in the workday.

My wellbeing

From 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree):

  • My workplace cares about my wellbeing.

Survey FAQs

Find some common questions regarding the Workplace Temperature Check on our Survey FAQs page. Our Clinical Team has provided the answers to these. If you have any further questions, reach out to your Customer Success Manager directly.

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