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Ritual Builder

Schedule reflection time

This is about setting aside time to reflect on the key concept of 6 Pillars in a way that works for your people. This will likely vary across teams/departments.


Why is it important to have time to reflect?

  • We race through days and often don’t give ourselves time to absorb what we’ve learnt

  • The 6 Pillars are key in supporting our wellbeing

  • A little reflection (time) goes a long way towards helping new habits stick

  • Reflecting helps us recognise what we are already doing and what we could do better


Your 6-week plan

Over a 6-week period, focus on one Pillar per week.

  1. Understand the working styles of each team / department, to know what will make the most sense for them. You may like to engage the relevant Leader(s) for this. You may also find our course, ‘What Kind of Communicator Are You’, helpful for understanding different communication styles. You can find this course in the Groov app, under the Explore tab.

  2. Over the next 6 weeks, ensure there is 10 minutes dedicated each week to reflect on the 6 Pillars and/or engage with the a module. This may be by:

    1. Sending out 10-minute calendar invites (perhaps with a few options across the day, asking them to accept just one)

    2. Extending lunch breaks by 10 minutes and providing a quiet space for people to reflect

    3. Playing one module at the start of a weekly toolbox meeting and using any remaining time for people to reflect on their 6 Pillar worksheet.


Helpful content in the Groov app

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