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Ritual Builder

Run a wellbeing challenge

Ask your wellbeing ambassadors or team leads to run a wellbeing challenge that aligns with the week’s focus Pillar.

Wellbeing challenges can take many forms from fitness challenges to wellness activities. An effective wellbeing challenge takes into account the needs of the team and their feedback.


Why should we run challenges?

  • Keeping up with wellbeing activities can be challenging for people at the best of times – it’s especially hard right now given world events

  • Challenges are simple ways and fun ways to bring wellbeing into the workday

  • They can make people feel connected and build a sense of community

  • They can also help people celebrate little achievements together

  • They provide practical ways of embedding wellbeing into your workplace

  • They support in normalising conversations about wellbeing at work


Your 6-week plan

Over a 6-week period, focus on one Pillar per week.

  1. Brainstorm the challenges:

    1. See this month’s Wellbeing Challenges check out previous challenges for more ideas

    2. Come up with any of your own ideas (of course those suggested may help to get the ball rolling!)

    3. Choose activities that are inclusive or a range of activities that people with different interests and abilities can join

  2. Decide the activities: ideally aligning to a 6 Pillar activity where possible

  3. Agree budget, if any

  4. Based on the above, determine reward/incentives (if any)

  5. Engage with, and communicate, the ‘what, why and how’ to leaders and Ambassadors

  6. Plan the logistics around the activity/activities

    1. What will be the timeline?

    2. If done during the workday, how will this impact other work? How will you navigate around some of the potential barriers?

    3. Who will be incharge of managing tasks related to the activity?

    4. How will progress be recorded or reported?

    5. Will there be a channel through which participants can chat/share ideas/progress?

  7. Get feedback and use it to improve next time


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