To help leaders and ambassadors learn more about the Groov app, and support their teams to try new things to boost their wellbeing.
Our 6 Pillars of Wellbeing at a glance
Doing one thing every day from each of Groov’s 6 Pillars can help you thrive. Our 6 Pillars are:
Chill - reducing stress, the things you do to calm your mind and relax your body
Connect - connecting with and helping others
Enjoy - the things you do for pleasure, fun, and self-care
Celebrate - gratitude, and taking time to celebrate and appreciate YOU
Move - moving your body in a way that feels good
Do - learning, the things you do keep your brain active and stay creative
Why is elevating the 6 Pillars important?
They help your people feel good, function well, and bounce back from stress
Doing just one thing from each Pillar every day is a way for your people to look after their future selves
Over time, they should feel more positive, resilient, and able to get the most out of life
They may be small daily actions, but they can lead to big improvements in wellbeing
Your 6-week plan
Over a 6-week period, focus on one Pillar per week. There are many ways to roll this out, and below you will find 5 ideas of how to do so. Each of these links to more information to help you roll it out within your workplace.
Helpful content in the Groov app