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Ritual Builder

Ways to integrate wellbeing to regular meetings

Checking in on, and supporting, the wellbeing of your team doesn't require a lot of time. An effective way to do this to allocate a few minutes at the start of meetings to talk about wellbeing. Here are some prompts to integrate wellbeing to regular meetings.

Wellbeing activities

  • Start meetings by doing a breathing exercise for 3 minutes 

  • Start meetings by doing a stretching or movement activity 

  • Start team meetings by spending 5 minutes on a fun activity:

    • Share the highlight of the weekend 

    • Share an appreciation for someone else in the room 

    • Share what you are looking forward to today/this week

  • Start each meeting with a quick refresher on one pillar:

    • Do you have any move pillar activities planned out for this weekend?

    • What is your ideal way to bring more enjoyment into your day/week?

    • Share an instance where you were kind to yourself in the past week.

    • Who do you love connecting with, and why?

    • What do you aim to do more of to celebrate yourself? 

    • Have you learnt anything new recently, and if so what?

    • Is there anything you want to learn more about? If so, how can you make a start?

    • What is your favourite way to chill on a weekday evening?

Wellbeing conversations

  • What is your biggest challenge right now?

  • What is your biggest achievement in the past month?

  • What would help you achieve your current work goals better?

  • Share a moment of vulnerability 

  • Share a quick story of something that brought you joy this week.

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