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Live LEAD / SHOW / CARE series

Your people can experience Groov's foundational modules LEAD, SHOW and CARE live!

Dr Fiona Crichton and Dr Carolyn Pritchett will be hosting live webinars for the LEAD, SHOW and CARE modules series.
These are open to you and all other Groov customers to dial into. There’s always a great buzz in the sessions so encourage your people to come along and have some fun while learning great wellbeing tips! 
These webinars are perfect for anyone who:

  • Is new to the LEAD, SHOW, CARE series and would like to learn some great wellbeing tips while having some fun

  • Has access to the Module Platform and would like real-time learning

  • Would like a refresher on any LEAD, SHOW, CARE sessions they’ve already done

Although designed to be done in sequence, everyone is free to sign up to whatever suits their schedule, or even better - all three!

How it works

1. Share this with your people!

  • Put the message out and share these in your internal comms platforms like Slack or Teams

  • Anyone can register using the QR codes in the poster or through the links below.


2. Register on Zoom


  • Anyone can register through the links below (also sent in an email to all customer employees) and then add it to their calendar.

  • For those without email access, you can register on their behalf and set up a room for them to watch together at the designated time.

3. Attend virtually


  • Dial in to connect with and learn from Dr Fiona Crichton together with people from other customer organisations - join the fun!

Webinar schedule

60 minutes

12 Jun 2024

12:00 PM NZT

30 minutes

10 Jul 2024

12:00 PM NZT

For more information about the series, click on each event to read more and register.

6 Pillars worksheet

Download, print and distribute this worksheet to help your people discover and plan out wellbeing activities that can work for them!

Want to go paperless? Share this editable (PDF) format instead.

Downloadable resources

Here are some helpful resources to accompany these events.

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