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Ritual Builder

Ambassadors' overview & wellbeing objectives

What's your role as an ambassador? As an Ambassador within your organisation, we need you to look after your own wellbeing as a priority.

Your role as an ambassador

As an ambassador within your organisation, we need you to look after your own wellbeing as a priority. 


Engaging in our programme will give you the tools to do this, as well as help you support those around you. We ask that you authentically engage in the programme by:

  • completing the modules and implementing what you learn in these

  • utilising the Ritual Builder website by establishing team rituals and committing to the ongoing rollout of rituals

  • supporting in actions/initiatives related to addressing the survey results

  • participating in, sharing content about, and promoting engagement with, the Wellbeing Campaigns

  • keeping up to date with the Groov app, and share any pieces of content, tips, or tools you’re finding useful or think may help others.


Ways to achieve this objective

Enter at least one team ritual onto our Ritual Builder website every 3 months

  • Run Team DOT workshops

  • Utilise the Rituals Ideas Generator

  • Ask for ideas/feedback in existing meetings (1:1s and team-wide)

  • You decide and communicate to team

  • Work with your leader to support you in achieving this

  • Set aside time, and encourage your team, to respond to the rituals check-in emails to ensure rituals are fit for your team

  • Remind your team to complete via existing communications channels and meetings

  • Respond to the rituals check-ins yourself

  • Work with your leader to support you in achieving this

>25% response rate for team ritual check-ins (email check-in with individual who entered ritual onto Ritual Builder website)

  • Have your own plan for how you will have wellbeing conversations with people (how to listen, how to share), in different settings (1:1s, team meetings, company meetings)

  • Share your own wellbeing plan on internal communications channels

  • Adhere to Company and Team rituals

  • Utilising the Ritual Builder website by establishing team rituals and committing to the ongoing rollout of rituals

  • Completing the modules and implement what you learn in these

  • Support in actions/initiatives related to addressing the survey results

  • Participate in, share content about, and promote engagement with, the Wellbeing Campaigns

  • Keep up to date with the Groov app, and share any pieces of content, tips, or tools you’re finding useful or think may help others

  • Support your leader in feeding back and discussing survey results with your teams

  • Obtain your teams’ rituals rating from the Groov key contact within your workplace

  • Share results of how valuable the rituals are with your team in meetings 

  • If required, discuss together how best to amend

  • Suggest ideas on how to amend to your team

  • Run Team DOT workshop

  • Amend as you see fit

  • Work with your leader to support you in achieving this

Modelling wellbeing

Of email check-ins completed, at least 30% have been rated as valuable

80% completion rates within your team of the 6 Pillars Survey (recurring) 

NB can only obtain results internally; Groov cannot share this level of information

  • During existing meetings (1:1s, toolbox, Health & Safety, etc.)

  • Utilise existing internal comms channels for commenting and sharing

  • Work with your leader to support you in achieving this

  • Work with your leader to dedicate time for your team members to do so (during existing meetings / reserve time in their calendars / relieve them of their roles for 10 mins)

  • Communicate the importance of doing so

  • Support your leader in sharing the results and actions taken as a result (so that they understand that the information is informing action)

Provide opportunities for your team to share what they are willing to from their Individual Wellbeing Plans

>90% of your team have Individual Wellbeing Plans 

NB can only obtain results internally; Groov cannot share this level of information

  • Following their attendance at LEAD module, encourage them to complete

  • Ask questions as to how they’re tracking with their plans

  • Share what you’re willing to from your own plan (providing ‘permission’)

  • Work with your leader to support you in achieving this

  • Work with your leader to dedicate time for your team to complete - reserve time in calendars and/or set-up for the teams to watch as a group

  • Ask / follow-up with them in existing meetings (1:1s, toolbox, Health & Safety, etc.)

  • Utilise existing internal comms channels to prompt

  • Assess barriers to engagement and create a plan to minimise/remove them

  • Work with your leader to support you in achieving this

>90% team engagement with all modules 

NB can only obtain results internally; Groov cannot share this level of information

  • Share this with your team directly

  • Share in your 1:1 with your own leader

Able to articulate the impact and value of your team rituals

  • Be aware of Wellbeing Campaigns activities and what’s being done in your workplace

  • Work with your leader to rollout of the wellbeing challenges within your team

  • Engage in these yourself - role-modeling

Engagement in wellbeing challenges and initiatives

  • Following attendance at the SHOW module, collate examples and share on internal communications platforms

Provide examples of how you bring the 6 Pillars into the workplace

  • Work with your leader to dedicate time for them to do so (during existing meetings / reserve time in their calendars / relieve them of their roles for 10 mins)

  • Communicate the importance of doing so

  • Support your leader in sharing the results and actions taken as a result (so that they understand that the information is informing action)

80% completion rates within your team of the Workplace Temperature Check

NB can only obtain results internally; Groov cannot share this level of information

Wellbeing objectives for ambassadors'  (examples)

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