Account linking
To access the full features of the programme, create an account with your email address, and link it to your workplace.
1. Create an account
If you already have a Groov account, Sign in instead.
If not, create a Groov account using your workplace email address. If you don't have a workplace email address, use a personal email address that has been granted access to the programme by your workplace Groov key contact.
2. Confirm your email
Check your email inbox for a verification email BEFORE continuing.
Click the button in the email to confirm and verify your email address.
(See below for an alternate method for linking via a passcode)
2a. Alternate linking method: Passcode
If you'd proceeded to the next screen BEFORE verifying your email address via the verification email (see step 2), OR the email address that you'd used to create your account isn't associated with your workplace, you will be asked to (re)enter an email address for a passcode to be sent to you.
2b. Passcode email
Check your email inbox for an email with a passcode.
2c. Enter passcode
Return to the passcode screen, enter the passcode from the email, and click the Submit button.
If your email address is associated with your organisation, your account will now be linked.
3. Complete the linking
Return to the account verification screen and click the Continue button.
If your email address is associated with your workplace, your account will now be linked.
If your email address is not associated with your organisation, follow the steps below to try linking using a different email address.