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Admin Portal


Ritual Builder

Employee access setup

Employees added to the access list will get access to the full suite of content and features that come with a workplace subscription.

Unique work domain

Looking for a simple way for your staff to set up their Groov app accounts? The best thing to do here is to add and enable your work's unique domain. For example, at Groov, our unique domain used in our company email addresses is (e.g. 


Adding your unique domain will allow everyone in your organisation to automatically link their app account with your workplace, unlocking the full suite of content and features for them. 

This saves your team time, as they don't need to follow the steps to manually link their account to your organisation. It also means that you get a better snapshot of who is using the Groov app, and how they're using it. This is why we highly recommend enabling your work domain. 


To enable your domain, please add your domain name (e.g. to the text field and click 'Enable'. 

You can also enable multiple domains for your subscription by clicking 'Add another domain' and repeating the above step.

Individual email addresses

For employees who do not have an email address on your organisation's domain, you can add and remove them via the 'Add/Remove' tab.


  1. 'Add Individual' & 'Remove Individual' - add the individual's email address in the corresponding email field and click either 'Add' or 'Remove.

  2. 'Bulk add CSV' & 'Bulk remove CSV' - add or remove a list of individuals by uploading a CSV file.


If you chose the second option, all that is needed are the email addresses without headings, names or any other fields. You can also find a demo CSV file in the Admin Portal by clicking on the 'Help' tab. Please download the demo CSV file to your device by clicking 'Download'. You can use this file as a base for your list. If you encounter any issues with your CSV upload, please don't hesitate to contact us on

Employees need to be on this access list in order to link their Groov accounts to your organisation (instructions on how to link accounts can be found here), which gives them access to Modules, the full version of the App, and other features. Setting up this list ahead of launch time will make sure that your team members get a smooth onboarding experience. There are two ways to manage this via the Admin Portal.

Once you've set up the app access list, click the button at the top right to complete this task. Remember, you can always update this app access list directly from the Admin Portal even after you're completed this task.

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