6 Pillars assessment
The 6 Pillars Survey is a unique, evidence-based evaluation of individual wellbeing. Questions are action-oriented and designed to assess activity in relation to six categories of wellbeing.
Assessment questions
General wellbeing
Over the past 7 days: None of the time / Rarely / Some of the time / Often / Every day
I’ve handled stress well.
I’ve been able to get over setbacks quickly.
I’ve felt cheerful.
Over the past 7 days: None of the time / Rarely / Some of the time / Often / Every day
I’ve found it easy to relax my body.
I’ve been able to calm my mind.
I’ve found it easy to focus on what’s happening in the present moment.
Over the past 7 days: None of the time / Rarely / Some of the time / Often / Every day
I’ve felt close to other people.
I’ve put time into friendships.
I’ve done something kind for someone else.
Over the past 7 days: None of the time / Rarely / Some of the time / Often / Every day
I’ve done some form of physical activity, like walking.
If I was sitting still I moved around every hour or so.
I’ve done some form of physical activity I enjoyed.
Over the past 7 days: None of the time / Rarely / Some of the time / Often / Every day
I’ve noticed good things that happened.
I’ve congratulated myself when I did something well.
I was kind to myself.
Over the past 7 days: None of the time / Rarely / Some of the time / Often / Every day
I did something that I enjoyed.
I’ve had a good laugh.
I’ve looked forward to something.
Assessment FAQ's
Find some common questions regarding the 6 Pillars assessment on our Survey FAQs page. Our Clinical Team has provided the answers to these.
If you have any further questions, reach out to your Customer Success Manager directly.